Wednesday, February 11, 2009

CrossFit - 11Feb09

185 x 1
135 x 10 (Not a max, but fairly close. Didn't want to drop the weights and get kicked out)

For time:
- 45 Double-unders
- 45 Squat Clean, 135 lbs
- 45 Ring Dips
- 45 Double-unders

Time: 26:30

Had to gently set down the weight each time on the cleans, which really slowed me down. I tried to pace myself, but wasn't able to get a good rhythm going. Since the pace was so slow, I'm pretty sure that I could've done an equal time with 155 lbs. Because of gym rules (not my usual gym) I had to set up my rings when I was ready to use them. That added about 2 minutes to the time.

All in all, not really a great workout. On the plus side, I really focused on staying tight in the hole on the cleans, which felt much better than it usually does.

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