Friday, January 23, 2009

CrossFit - 23Jan09

For Time:

- 15 Handstand Pushups
- 1 L-Pullup
- 13 Handstand Pushups
- 3 L-Pullups
- 11 Handstand Pushups
- 5 L-Pullups
- 9 Handstand Pushups
- 7 L-Pullups
- 7 Handstand Pushups
- 9 L-Pullups
- 5 Handstand Pushups
- 11 L-Pullups
- 3 Handstand Pushups
- 13 L-Pullups
- 1 Handstand Pushup
- 15 L-Pullups

Time: 18:56 (3+ minute PR!)

1 comment:

Chris Stroud said...


Great blog. I think its great when ever people set up their log books online to gain some public accountability for their fitness and health. Best of luck on your goals.