Wednesday, July 30, 2008
CrossFit - 30Jul (pm)
- Rowing 3:00
- Dynamic ROM
- 7 Burpees
CrossFit Total
- 1 RM Backsquat
- 1 RM Shoulder Press
- 1 RM Deadlift
Great day today! Set new PRs in the BS and DL and Total. The Press still eludes me though.
Back Squat
345 (PR!)
Shoulder Press
150 (F)
390 (PR!)
Total: 880 (30-lbs PR!!!)
- Rowing 3:00
- Dynamic ROM
- 7 Burpees
CrossFit Total
- 1 RM Backsquat
- 1 RM Shoulder Press
- 1 RM Deadlift
Great day today! Set new PRs in the BS and DL and Total. The Press still eludes me though.
Back Squat
345 (PR!)
Shoulder Press
150 (F)
390 (PR!)
Total: 880 (30-lbs PR!!!)
Monday, July 28, 2008
CrossFit - 28Jul (pm)
- Rowing 5:00
- Dynamic Range of Motion stuff
Deadlift 1 x 5
135 x 10
185 x 6
225 x 5
275 x 2
315 x 5
I used a double- overhand hook-grip instead of the typical opposing hands technique. It will help with my grip strength when I start playing with the Catalyst Athletics WODs in 2 weeks, which are based off the Olympic Lifts (that utilize the hook grip for everything).
3 Rounds for Time:
- Run 800-meters
- 50 Back Extensions
- 50 Sit-ups
Again, well off my best mark. I think it's a mixture of eating like crap while I was in Kuwait and having to do this on the treadmill.
Time: 20:01
- Rowing 5:00
- Dynamic Range of Motion stuff
Deadlift 1 x 5
135 x 10
185 x 6
225 x 5
275 x 2
315 x 5
I used a double- overhand hook-grip instead of the typical opposing hands technique. It will help with my grip strength when I start playing with the Catalyst Athletics WODs in 2 weeks, which are based off the Olympic Lifts (that utilize the hook grip for everything).
3 Rounds for Time:
- Run 800-meters
- 50 Back Extensions
- 50 Sit-ups
Again, well off my best mark. I think it's a mixture of eating like crap while I was in Kuwait and having to do this on the treadmill.
Time: 20:01
Sunday, July 27, 2008
CrossFit - 27Jul (pm)
Back from a few days in Kuwait. I ate terribly and definitely didn't stay fully hydrated. Oh well, back on the horse!

Three year old Jeremy Bloniasz lost his life in a tragic accident Thursday, July 6th, 2006.
21 - 15 - 9
- Overhead Squats, 95-lbs
- Burpees
Time: 7:30
Three year old Jeremy Bloniasz lost his life in a tragic accident Thursday, July 6th, 2006.
21 - 15 - 9
- Overhead Squats, 95-lbs
- Burpees
Time: 7:30
CrossFit - 22Jul (pm)
"Filthy Fifties"
For time:
- 50 Box jump, 24 inch box
- 50 Jumping pull-ups
- 50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
- Walking Lunge, 50 steps
- 50 Knees to elbows
- 50 Push press, 45 pounds
- 50 Back extensions
- 50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
- 50 Burpees
- 50 Double unders
Felt beat down today. Well off my best time for this workout. The burpees and knees-to-elbows each took about 7-min apiece. I really need to work on the K2Es.
Total Time: 32:20
"Filthy Fifties"
For time:
- 50 Box jump, 24 inch box
- 50 Jumping pull-ups
- 50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
- Walking Lunge, 50 steps
- 50 Knees to elbows
- 50 Push press, 45 pounds
- 50 Back extensions
- 50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
- 50 Burpees
- 50 Double unders
Felt beat down today. Well off my best time for this workout. The burpees and knees-to-elbows each took about 7-min apiece. I really need to work on the K2Es.
Total Time: 32:20
CrossFit - 21Jul (pm)
Weighted Pull-up
70, 80, 90, 95 (Tie PR), 100 (PR), 105 (PR), 110 (PR!)
Weighted Pull-up
70, 80, 90, 95 (Tie PR), 100 (PR), 105 (PR), 110 (PR!)
CrossFit - 20Jul (pm)
Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
15 Push-ups
12 Ring dips
115 pound Push-press, 9 reps
Chest to floor on each push-up, and ring dips were shoulders below elbows on all reps. The push presses became push jerks because of muscular failure.
Total: 7 Rounds (19:55)
Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
15 Push-ups
12 Ring dips
115 pound Push-press, 9 reps
Chest to floor on each push-up, and ring dips were shoulders below elbows on all reps. The push presses became push jerks because of muscular failure.
Total: 7 Rounds (19:55)
19Jul (pm)
Used my Vibram Five Finger shoes and they were awesome. I felt really solid today!
295 x 5
305 x 5
315 x 5
335 x 5
365 x 4
Used my Vibram Five Finger shoes and they were awesome. I felt really solid today!
295 x 5
305 x 5
315 x 5
335 x 5
365 x 4
Friday, July 18, 2008
CrossFit - 17Jul (pm)
4 Rounds for time:
- Run 400-meters
- 50 Air Squats
Did this one on the track at the DoDD school. My first workout outside since I've been here; 110* and 95% humidity made it rough.
Time: 13:30
- Run 400-meters
- 50 Air Squats
Did this one on the track at the DoDD school. My first workout outside since I've been here; 110* and 95% humidity made it rough.
Time: 13:30
CrossFit - 16Jul (pm)
Couldn't do today's mainpage WOD so subbed something from Catalyst Athletics
3 Rounds for time:
- 20 Pull-ups
- 15 Knees-to-Elbows
- 10 Ring Dips
As always, K2Es slowed me down. Great WOD though!
Time: 8:52
3 Rounds for time:
- 20 Pull-ups
- 15 Knees-to-Elbows
- 10 Ring Dips
As always, K2Es slowed me down. Great WOD though!
Time: 8:52
CrossFit - 15Jul (pm)
For time:
- 15 Handstand push-ups
- 1 L Pull-up
- 13 Handstand push-ups
- 3 L Pull-ups
- 11 Handstand push-ups
- 5 L Pull-ups
- 9 Handstand push-ups
- 7 L Pull-ups
- 7 Handstand push-ups
- 9 L Pull-ups
- 5 Handstand push-ups
- 11 L Pull-ups
- 3 Handstand push-ups
- 13 L Pull-ups
- 1 Handstand push-up
- 15 L Pull-ups
Time: 22:38
- 15 Handstand push-ups
- 1 L Pull-up
- 13 Handstand push-ups
- 3 L Pull-ups
- 11 Handstand push-ups
- 5 L Pull-ups
- 9 Handstand push-ups
- 7 L Pull-ups
- 7 Handstand push-ups
- 9 L Pull-ups
- 5 Handstand push-ups
- 11 L Pull-ups
- 3 Handstand push-ups
- 13 L Pull-ups
- 1 Handstand push-up
- 15 L Pull-ups
Time: 22:38
Sunday, July 13, 2008
CrossFit - 12Jul (pm)
CrossFit Total
- 1RM Back Squat
- 1RM Shoulder Press
- 1RM Deadlift
I didn't score well today because I went for the stars on my final lifts and missed, so only my cautionary second lifts count.
BS: 315 (F 345)
SP: 135 (F 150)
DL: 365 (F405)
Total: 815
- 1RM Back Squat
- 1RM Shoulder Press
- 1RM Deadlift
I didn't score well today because I went for the stars on my final lifts and missed, so only my cautionary second lifts count.
BS: 315 (F 345)
SP: 135 (F 150)
DL: 365 (F405)
Total: 815
Friday, July 11, 2008
CrossFit - 11Jul (pm)
- Rowing 5:00
- 100 Pull-ups
- 100 Push-ups
- 100 Sit-ups
- 100 Air Squats
Complete all reps of each exercise before moving on to the next.
I did my best to say at 10 pull-ups every 30 seconds, and finished all 100 in 5-flat (PR!). Push-ups took 5:15, sit-ups 3:42, and squats 2:46.
Total Time: 16:47 (PR!)
- Rowing 5:00
- 100 Pull-ups
- 100 Push-ups
- 100 Sit-ups
- 100 Air Squats
Complete all reps of each exercise before moving on to the next.
I did my best to say at 10 pull-ups every 30 seconds, and finished all 100 in 5-flat (PR!). Push-ups took 5:15, sit-ups 3:42, and squats 2:46.
Total Time: 16:47 (PR!)
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Pull-up Competion - 10Jul (am)
We had a pull-up competition at the base gym today. We used a crappy power tower that would nearly tip over with anything more than a mild kip. The rules were simple: any grip, full extension at the bottom, chin over the bar, kipping was aloud.
I ended up using more of a knee-jerk to pop up on the reps, otherwise I definitely could've done more. In the end though, I took 1st place with 36 pull-ups, barely edging out an EOD Lieutenant who got 34.
I ended up using more of a knee-jerk to pop up on the reps, otherwise I definitely could've done more. In the end though, I took 1st place with 36 pull-ups, barely edging out an EOD Lieutenant who got 34.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
CrossFit - 9Jul (pm)
- Rowing 5:00
- Clean technique work
30 Reps for time
- Clean & Jerk , 155-lbs
Really angry and disappointed today. I thought I was at least somewhat close to the Top 10%. The average time at the CrossFit Games (on Day 2, after 3 WODs the day before) was around 7:30, and the slowest time being 15:33. I honestly don't think they would've even allowed me to complete it at the Games, due to time constraints. Oh well.
Time: 20:56
- Rowing 5:00
- Clean technique work
30 Reps for time
- Clean & Jerk , 155-lbs
Really angry and disappointed today. I thought I was at least somewhat close to the Top 10%. The average time at the CrossFit Games (on Day 2, after 3 WODs the day before) was around 7:30, and the slowest time being 15:33. I honestly don't think they would've even allowed me to complete it at the Games, due to time constraints. Oh well.
Time: 20:56
CrossFit - 8Jul (pm)
- Rowing 5:00
- Snatch and Deadlift work
5 Rounds for time
- 5 Deadlifts, 275-lbs
- 10 Burpees
Time: 7:37
- Rowing 5:00
- Snatch and Deadlift work
5 Rounds for time
- 5 Deadlifts, 275-lbs
- 10 Burpees
Time: 7:37
Sunday, July 6, 2008
CrossFit - 7Jul (pm)
- Rowing 5:00
- Deadlifting (ascending weight)
290 x 1 x 5
"Death by Pull-up"
With a continuously running clock do one pull-up the first minute, two pull-ups the second minute, three pull-ups the third minute... continuing as long as you are able.
Intermittent Fasting: About 15 hours between dinner/breakfast. WOD was done 3 hours post-lunch.
- Rowing 5:00
- Deadlifting (ascending weight)
290 x 1 x 5
"Death by Pull-up"
With a continuously running clock do one pull-up the first minute, two pull-ups the second minute, three pull-ups the third minute... continuing as long as you are able.
Use as many sets each minute as needed.
I really started getting the Butterfly Pull-up down pat today. It felt really good when I got a good rhythm going. I'll keep working on it, because it definitely helps develop more coordination. (And it's faster...haha)
Completed 20 Rounds + 13 pull-ups
Total 213 Pull-ups
Intermittent Fasting: About 15 hours between dinner/breakfast. WOD was done 3 hours post-lunch.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
CrossFit - 5Jul (pm)
- Rowing 5:00
- Movement/Technique practice with the new guys
Shoulder Day
- Shoulder press 1-1-1-1-1 reps
- Push press 3-3-3-3-3 reps
- Push Jerk 5-5-5-5-5 reps
Good day today! Finally managed to put up 150-lbs on the Press, something that has been eluding me for-ev-er! Then PR'd on the PP. I was too gassed to PR on the Jerks as well, but I keep the weight REALLY high.
SP: 95, 105, 115, 135, 150 (Tie PR!)
PP: 155, 165, 175, 185, 190 (PR!)
PJ: 185, 190, 175, 175, 195 (x3)
Note: Starting to get a bit of tennis elbow in the right arm. Probably from all the grip-intensive WODs over th past couple of weeks. I'll be icing it and keeping an eye on it to see if I need to back off for a few days.
- Rowing 5:00
- Movement/Technique practice with the new guys
Shoulder Day
- Shoulder press 1-1-1-1-1 reps
- Push press 3-3-3-3-3 reps
- Push Jerk 5-5-5-5-5 reps
Good day today! Finally managed to put up 150-lbs on the Press, something that has been eluding me for-ev-er! Then PR'd on the PP. I was too gassed to PR on the Jerks as well, but I keep the weight REALLY high.
SP: 95, 105, 115, 135, 150 (Tie PR!)
PP: 155, 165, 175, 185, 190 (PR!)
PJ: 185, 190, 175, 175, 195 (x3)
Note: Starting to get a bit of tennis elbow in the right arm. Probably from all the grip-intensive WODs over th past couple of weeks. I'll be icing it and keeping an eye on it to see if I need to back off for a few days.
Friday, July 4, 2008
CrossFit - 4Jul (pm)
Five rounds for time of:
- 135 pound Deadlift, 15 reps
- 135 pound Hang power clean, 12 reps
- 135 pound Front Squat, 9 reps
- 135 pound Push Jerk, 6 reps
Time: 22:18
- 135 pound Deadlift, 15 reps
- 135 pound Hang power clean, 12 reps
- 135 pound Front Squat, 9 reps
- 135 pound Push Jerk, 6 reps
Time: 22:18
Thursday, July 3, 2008
CrossFit - 2Jul (pm)
2 x 9
- Push-ups
- Chin-ups
- Dips
- Sit-ups
-Handstand and freestanding handstand push-up practice for ~20 minutes.
Injury: I noticed a bit of a tweak in my right elbow today.
- Snatch Balance drills: worked up to 95-lbs
- Snatch
- 65, 75, 85, 95, 105, 115
Back Squat 3 x 3
Shoulder Press 3 x 3
Deadlift 1 x 5
BS: 275 x 3 x 3
SP: 135 x 3 x 3
DL: 285 x 1 x 5
2 x 9
- Push-ups
- Chin-ups
- Dips
- Sit-ups
-Handstand and freestanding handstand push-up practice for ~20 minutes.
Injury: I noticed a bit of a tweak in my right elbow today.
- Snatch Balance drills: worked up to 95-lbs
- Snatch
- 65, 75, 85, 95, 105, 115
Back Squat 3 x 3
Shoulder Press 3 x 3
Deadlift 1 x 5
BS: 275 x 3 x 3
SP: 135 x 3 x 3
DL: 285 x 1 x 5
Back Squat,
handstand pushup,
Shoulder Press,
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
CFEndurance - 2Jul (am)
- Rowing 5:00 easy
Tabata Rowing
8 rounds of 20-seconds hard/10-seconds easy.
Total Distance: 1068-meters
- Rowing 5:00 easy
Tabata Rowing
8 rounds of 20-seconds hard/10-seconds easy.
Total Distance: 1068-meters
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
CrossFit - 1Jul (am)
- Jogging 2-ish minutes from the parking lot to the gym (running late)
- Thrusters, 95-lbs
- Pull-ups
We're starting to get a little CrossFit group going on over here. There were 5 of us today. Since I'm trying to get us a few days behind the mainpage so everyone can see the workout and exercises, I had to pick a WOD. I chose Fran so all the newbies can see how devastating a 5-minute workout can be. I went first and I guess having an audience full of new guys helped push me to a 23-second PR!
Note: Tore open my left hand again. same place as last time. I even shaved down my callouses yesterday. My hands really need to adjust to this bar!
Nutrition: Intermittent Fasting for about 15-hours pre-WOD.
Time: 3:57
- Jogging 2-ish minutes from the parking lot to the gym (running late)
- Thrusters, 95-lbs
- Pull-ups
We're starting to get a little CrossFit group going on over here. There were 5 of us today. Since I'm trying to get us a few days behind the mainpage so everyone can see the workout and exercises, I had to pick a WOD. I chose Fran so all the newbies can see how devastating a 5-minute workout can be. I went first and I guess having an audience full of new guys helped push me to a 23-second PR!
Note: Tore open my left hand again. same place as last time. I even shaved down my callouses yesterday. My hands really need to adjust to this bar!
Nutrition: Intermittent Fasting for about 15-hours pre-WOD.
Time: 3:57
CrossFit -30Jun (pm)
- Rowing 5:00
Five rounds for max reps of:
- Bench Press bodyweight(185-lbs)
- Pull-ups
Although my bench was down by a few reps, I more than made up for it on the pull-ups. I'm getting closer to 30/round which is a solid goal. My pressing strength is still a major weakness, and I constantly wonder how much it's affecting my overall fitness. I hope working with the warm-up circuit will help somewhat. I think using ring dips would be even better as my strength improves. Today was a good PR though, so I was pretty stoked.
Totals: 46/136 = 182
- Rowing 5:00
Five rounds for max reps of:
- Bench Press bodyweight(185-lbs)
- Pull-ups
Although my bench was down by a few reps, I more than made up for it on the pull-ups. I'm getting closer to 30/round which is a solid goal. My pressing strength is still a major weakness, and I constantly wonder how much it's affecting my overall fitness. I hope working with the warm-up circuit will help somewhat. I think using ring dips would be even better as my strength improves. Today was a good PR though, so I was pretty stoked.
Totals: 46/136 = 182
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