Friday, October 12, 2007

CrossFit - 12Oct (pm)


- Run 1 mile
- 100 pullups
- 200 pushups
- 300 squats
- Run 1 mile

First mile was 6:05...Got crushed in the gym portion. Wasted 2 minutes waiting for a damn pullup bar (I should've stopped my watch, UGH) in Globo-Gym Headquarters on base. After that, did 10 sets of 10/20/30. Had a REALLY hard time breathing towards the felt like what I would imagine exercise-induced asthma feels like. But it's just the deepest oxygen debt I've ever experienced.

I completed Murph last time in 36-flat...this last week has been rough, plus converting to the Zone is still wreaking havok on my body a bit. I'm not too upset with the overall result, just shocked that I lost so much time due to fatigue.

Total Time: 43:58

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