Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Powerlifting - 14Nov (am)

Prep workout for Friday's Powerlifting Competition

Deadlift: 155
Bench Press: 115
Squat: 135

I feel like apologizing for today's 3 Bars of Death aka "Linda," I feel like it's my fault since I mentioned that bitch's name. I'm terrified to see what would happen if I said it 3 times into a mirror...

Anywho, it should go without saying that this workout would've been WAAAAAY too easy under any other circumstance. I took my time and really focused on form/technique (especially the pause at the bottom of the BP). It only took me about 7 minutes to go all the way through, and I barely broke a sweat, exactly how I wanted it.

What was messed up was that Justin was doing the real "Linda" - albeit scaled down for his first time with her - right next to me, so I blasted through mine and then motivated him for the next 35 minutes (42 total). He was cussing me the whole way, "How the hell did you convince me to start this CrossFit stuff?!" I just laughed and told him to get back on the bar...

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