Sunday, December 23, 2007

CrossFit - 22Dec

Ugh, another Hero workout, I really hate seeing this. God speed Staff Sergeant Joshua Whitaker from Long Beach, CA and everyone else that has made the ultimate sacrifice defending our country's freedom.


Complete three rounds for time of:
- 21 Dumbbell snatches, right arm, 40-lbs
- 21 L Pull-ups
- 21 Dumbbell snatches, left arm, 40-lbs
- 21 L Pull-ups

I may have done an extra round since I was trying to help out some new CrossFitters while I was doing my own workout and possibly lost count. The 1st round only took me 11 minutes and I wasn't gassed at all. It just doesn't add up. Oh well, time still stands.

Total Time: 53:07

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