Sunday, September 23, 2007

Muscle-ups - 23Sept (pm)

Today's WOD:

- 30 Muscle-ups for time.

Today was a great day for all of us. Nate and Ken both got their first Ring Muscle-ups. Nate's face was PRICELESS! I really wish we'd had a camera for that one. It'll be alright, we'll get some videos of them soon enough!

I did today's workout on a "V-bar" (the bar on the crossover machine that, surprise surprise, looks like a "V"). Started off doing 2 sets of 5 consecutive then broke it down into sets of 3, 2, or 1. I was almost under 9 minutes, but just ran out of juice and failed twice before taking a few second rest before hitting the final one.

Total Time: 9:26 (previous best was 16:00)

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