Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Never Forget!

On the 6th anniversary of the worst attack on American soil since Pearl Harbor, I feel the need to post a rant. Every day, the American public bashes Bush, bashes the Republicans, bashes the government for the war in Iraq. For Soldiers, Marines, Sailors, and Airmen dying. Claiming it's about money or oil or power or whatever BULLSHIT reason the media chooses to feed to its Lemmings. Let's not forget the heinous and senseless MURDER of 3,000+ innocents. For what?! Because they were "infidels"? Because the predominant religion in America is Christianity? What about the Muslims that were in the Towers when they went down? Were they infidels too? Or were they "martyrs"? No! Everyone that lost their life in those buildings were Americans! THAT is why this Global War on Terrorism started. Because of the senseless brutality 19 men rained down on the streets of New York, in Washington D.C., and in Pennsylvania.

Today, September 11, 2007, EVERYONE will remember that tragic morning. They will remember where they were, what they were doing, what song was on the radio. But then tomorrow will come, and the American public will forget until next year. It's a sad but true fact of life...people are selfish and what didn't directly affect them doesn't REALLY matter.

God Bless the families that lost loved ones, those that are still grieving, those that are still searching for answers. God Bless the NYPD, FDNY, military, and civilians who were there and those that still serve today. When you see a pubic servant, ANYTIME of the year, just stop and thank them.

Know that there are still people out there who remember EVERY DAY and continue to do their small part to see that nothing like this ever happens again.

I know there are tons of videos out there, but I just thought I'd share This One.


God Bless

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