Saturday, October 20, 2007

CrossFit - 20Oct (pm)

CrossFit Total

1 Rep Max of
- Back Squat
- Shoulder Press
- Deadlift

Well, what can I say. This was probably one of the worst workouts I've had in a while. I was pumped to do this all day; as soon as I got into the gym and got under the weight, everything went to shit. We decided that we were going to go ALL the way down on our squats - something we haven't been emphasizing enough. It just started badly there and just kept sliding downhill. On the Press, 135-lbs felt easy, then I failed on 145...not like I couldn't just lock out, I couldn't even get the bar off my chest. I managed to get it on a second try but BARELY. Then the BEST part of the night: Deadlift. Yeah, I struggled with 315 and had to take 2 tries at 375-lbs...I got the second one, but it was ugly and I'm surprised I didn't hurt myself. So pretty much, I lifted less today on each lift and felt worse doing it.

I just don't know what was up. I could blame it on fatigue or mood or whatever, but that doesn't change the fact that it was just terrible. I REALLY need to start focusing on strength after the PRT next week.

Back Squat: 275
Shoulder Press: 145
Deadlift: 375

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