Tuesday, October 30, 2007

CrossFit - 30Oct (pm)

Today was supposed to be a CrossFit rest day, but I did the WOD from the 28th that I skipped:
- Run 400m
- 50 Ring Dips
- Run 400m
- 50 Pushups
- Run 400m
- 50 Handstand Pushups

Because my hip is still bothering me, I subbed 1:25 on the the stationary bike (Level 18, 90+ RPM) instead of the running.

I also subbed Ring Pushups for the regular pushups (as if this workout isn't hard enough...haha).

The Handstand Pushups were only half-depth today, not by choice, but simply muscular failure; I was just devistated from yesterday's pullup workout.

Overall, it was a good strength workout that leaves ALOT to be desired in improvements.

Total Time: 33:33

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