Monday, April 14, 2008

CrossFit - 14Apr (pm)

"Quarter Gone Bad"

Five rounds for total reps of:
135 pound Thruster, 15 seconds
Rest 45 Seconds
50 pound Weighted pull-up, 15 seconds
Rest 45 Seconds
Burpees, 15 seconds
Rest 45 seconds

This actually wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I'm confident that I could've consistently completed 7 reps on each round of pull-ups, but I was having a tough time keeping the dumbell between my feet. Next time I'll be sure to use a better technique.

Round 1) 6 - 7 - 5 = 18
Round 2) 6 - 6 - 6 = 18
Round 3) 6 - 7 - 6 = 19
Round 4) 6 - 6 - 5 = 17
Round 5) 6 - 6 - 5 = 17

Total Reps = 89

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