Sunday, November 11, 2007

CrossFit - 10Nov (pm)

- Row 1000m
- 25 Double Unders
- Row 750m
- 50 Double Unders
- Row 500m
- 100 Double Unders

There is no rowing machine here, so we subbed 10 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls for every 100m of Rowing; so basically: 100 SDHP, 75 SDHP, and 50 SDHP.

Then there were my arch nemesis - Double Unders. UGH!!! I hate these so much, every time they come up, I almost end up killing someone in the gym, usually for something as benevolent as giving me encouragement. Real mature, I know...but what can I say, DUs absolutely crush me every time.

Total Time: 28:35

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